Titan Bench Press Ram
Titan Bench Press Ram

Titan Bench Press Ram

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Your Price: $69.00
Titan Bench Press Ram - Benchpress Aid
Part Number: titanram
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Titan Bench Press Ram
The Ram is crafted in the USA with materials specifically designed for this purpose-built bench aid. Unlike other products, the Ram is constructed from one solid panel that lays completely flat on the chest for optimal control of your lift.  It is the only bench aid that features bio-mechanically correct 90° sleeves that mimic the structure and movement of your own arms, shoulders, and pecs while performing the bench press. It provides more protection, power, and durability than competing products in its class.

The Ram helps protect your shoulders and pecs while performing volume work or max reps.

Size is based on chest measurement and bodyweight.

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Usually Ships in 1 business day
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