Titan Power Cuff - Signature Model
Titan Power Cuff - Signature Model

Titan Power Cuff - Signature Model

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On sale $19.00 $16.99
Titanium Upper Body Cuff
Part Number: signcuff
(Availability will appear below with each option selection)

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Availability: Usually Ships in 1 business day

Titan Power Cuff - Signature Series Model
Extremely Aggressive and Stiff
Mechanically supportive

Measure around the arm at the point of the pain spot or where the support is needed.
If your arm measures 12 inches then select a size 12. If it measures 12.5 we suggest a size 13
Price is for a single cuff, not a pair

Stop training with joint pain and start lifting some heavyweights
Not for the inexperienced

Made in the USA unlike most others

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Usually Ships in 1 Business Day
Usually Ships in 1 Business Day
Usually Ships in 1 Business Day
Usually Ships in 1 Business Day
Usually Ships in 1 business day
Usually Ships in 1 business day

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