The Spud Inc strongman harness is the strongest, most durable harness on the market today. The Spud Inc strongman harness was designed to have the best leverage with a lower pulling angle than most harnesses while allowing for maximal airflow. Better leverage, easier breathing, and a strongman harness that will never wear out is what you get with the Spud Inc strongman harness.Even better, our harness has a crossed brace point on the back side which will keep the arms from slipping while you are pulling. There is nothing worse than a harness that won't stay in place while you are trying to pull a big load. This makes the harness a great tool for all sizes of competitors. It comes in a small size (for women, youth athletes, and normal size dudes) and a large for bigger competitors.You can pull anything with our harness from a really heavy sled to a really heavy airplane. WSM anyone?